Registration Forms




All patients are required to complete the first 4 forms and turn them in at the time of your appointment. If you do not complete them prior to your arrival – we will provide you with copies once you arrive – but ask that you arrive 15 minutes earlier so that you have time to complete the forms. If you are scheduled to meet with a genetic counselor – you also need to complete the genetic counseling questionnaire.


As a 41 year old Mom-to-be carrying twins, my pregnancy was considered high risk and I was sent to Dr. Traynor because of his expertise as a maternal – fetal specialist. During my 20th week it was discovered that one of the babies had a dangerously slow heart rate. Because of the excellent care and support of Dr. Traynor, both boys were delivered near full term and are thriving today. Dr. Traynor and his staff were truly amazing and I highly recommend his practice.
— C.L.


Why is an ultrasound exam so important in pregnancy?

— During the first trimester, a fetal ultrasound determines the health of an early pregnancy with the measurement of the nuchal translucency.

— During the second trimester, a fetal ultrasound rules out most birth defects with a comprehensive evaluation of the fetal anatomy.

— During the third trimester, a fetal ultrasound evaluates the size of the developing baby and identifies pregnancies with abnormal growth.